Lilly, Owner of Scrubs and Crafts
Hey that's my face over there! I started Scrubs and Crafts in January 2020, right before the pandemic hit. I was so excited! However, I also am a full time nurse. That means once the pandemic hit, my world stopped. My focus became work full time all the time and that's okay. Knowing I was giving my patients the best care possible mattered most to me! Now that things have changed, I am able to focus on the thing I started a little while ago! I am able to bring these amazing products I have worked so hard at perfecting to your door step. I cant even express how excited I am and how proud I am for doing this. I can't thank you all enough for just visiting my website and for those of you who place orders, please know I appreciate you all so much! Those of you just browsing, I appreciate you all too! I can't wait to see what we create together. Thank you all again for everything!